About Psychedelic Cannabis

A sacred healing plant medicine

“ When cannabis is used intentionally and skilfully, it is just as potent as other psychedelic medicines such as psilocybin, MDMA and even Ayahuasca or DMT in a therapeutic setting.”

– Psychedelic Sitter’s School USA

As practitioners with a focus on trauma resolution, Psychegetics is dedicated to assisting individuals in their quest for deep and transformative healing. Acting as guides, we partner with creative explorers of consciousness and adept problem-solvers who consistently push the limits of human potential.

When cultivated with care and attention, cannabis produces a diverse range of fragrances, contributing to the vast physiological and psychological effects this extraordinary plant can induce.

From a scientific perspective, Cannabis Sativa holds a complex profile of compounds, including cannabinoids and terpenes. These constituents interact with the endocannabinoid system, influencing various physiological functions. THC, the primary psychoactive compound, engages with receptors in the brain, altering neurotransmitter release and impacting mood and cognition.

When approached as a safe and sacred medicinal tool, Cannabis Sativa can play a supportive role in healing processes. In the context of Cannabis-Assisted Psychedelic Therapy, the experience transcends recreational use, tapping into the plant's potential for deep healing. In intentional settings with a professionally trained psychedelic guide, this modality enhances the healing and transformational process, making somatic trauma work more efficient and effective.

Scientifically, cannabinoids like CBD have shown anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, potentially influencing pain management and neurological disorders. Terpenes contribute to the plant's diverse aromatic profiles and may have therapeutic effects, influencing mood and stress levels.

Ultimately, the marriage of ancient wisdom with contemporary scientific understanding underscores the potential of Cannabis Sativa as a tool for holistic healing and transformation.

There are many legitimate medical and mental health reasons to consume cannabis on a regular, daily basis. It is a very safe substance with very few side effects, and the benefits often outweigh the disadvantages, especially when used with intention.

Some of the reasons you would choose Psychedelic Cannabis over other Psychedelics in a non-clinical setting are:

  • Most Affordable

  • Very Safe when held by an experienced guide

  • Has Agency to exit the experience

  • Can be used consistently to accelerate healing

  • Can legally be practiced in Australia with a prescription


  • Extreme body awareness and a synesthesia of somatic and visual senses

  • Active and very visual imaginal experiences and a deep connection with their intuition

  • A connection with the sacred, deeply meaningful and transcendent

  • A feeling of being very present, lucid and with a sense of agency during experience

  • Profound new levels of nervous system regulation and trauma resolution

  • Developing a sense of agency in life, with important situations and having more choice

  • Feeling a deeper connection with their sense of purpose

  • Trauma Resolution

  • Boosting creativity and problem solving

Talk to a Doctor about medicinal Cannabis.

Screening questions may include:

Do you suffer from a chronic health condition that has lasted more the 3 months?

Have you tried conventional treatments for your condition?

Are you an Australian resident and over 21 years old?