Cannabis IS A classic PSYCHEDELIC! And has the potential to accelerate healing somatically in the body when turning inwards! This is not just due to its physical benefits to the body but the psychological and spiritual benefits of releasing tension due to supressed emotions held within the body!
The War on Drugs in the 70’s followed by its prohibition, distorted our understanding of the potential of cannabis, even within the psychedelic therapy community, and this has limited our perception of what we thought possible. It was labelled “evil weed” and a “gateway drug”. Maybe this global campaign was a push to really put a stop to its untapped possiblilities in expanding self-awareness and healing our bodies and nervous system from trauma unable to be accessed in normal states of consciousness.
I continue to use Cannabis as a safe and sacred medicinal tool in the right set and setting, for turning inwards for my own transformation, which has supported me in many healing processes such recalling and processing past traumatic memories, finding trust and safety in the body, resolving tensions stored deep within the body fascia and releasing this charge from the nervous system. I believe this plant has the greatest untapped potential to accelerate healing and act as a saviour from our current state of human consciousness.
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